FU Automations Verbiage/Wording

Below is the wording for the FU Automations. If you would like to change the wording of any of these messages, please submit a support ticket using the CRMX Portal or use this link: https://crmx.app/support-ticket

Send Digital Card


Hi {{contact.first_name}},

here's my business card link: {{trigger_link.re9dUiCFaXpkmTp4b49w}}

Chat with you soon!




Hi {{contact.first_name}},

Here's my digital business card: [CLICK HERE]

Chat with you soon!



D2D Lead > Attempt To Book Appt

Day 1 (SMS) Hey {{contact.first_name}}, it's {{user.first_name}}, the solar specialist that knocked on your door. What's the best time to call today and chat about solar for a few minutes?
Day 2 (SMS) Hi {{contact.first_name}}, it's {{user.first_name}} again. (The solar specialist that knocked on your door). I'm happy to help find out how much you can save on your power bill. My team will create a free no obligation solar proposal for your home. What's the best time to call you today?
Day 4 (SMS) Hey {{contact.first_name}}, I haven't heard back so I'm following up. I'm happy to get a free solar proposal for your home. No worries if you don't want to move forward with it, but you may as well see what the potential savings are. What's the best time to call you today?
Day 8 (SMS) Hey {{contact.first_name}}, I still haven't heard back from you. Is saving money with solar something you're still interested in?-{{user.name}}, {{ custom_values.company_name }}

Sales Appt Did Not Close > Check In

Day 1 (SMS) Hi {{contact.first_name}}. I sincerely hope the solar advice provided was helpful and gave you a deeper understanding of how solar can benefit your home (and bank account). I’m happy to answer any questions, just reply and let me know :-){{user.name}}, {{ custom_values.company_name }}
Day 3 (SMS) Hey {{contact.first_name}}, checking in... What direction are you thinking to take on your solar project?-{{user.name}}, {{ custom_values.company_name }}
Day 8 (SMS) {{contact.first_name}}, thought I'd check in real quick to see if you have any questions regarding the solar proposal. How can I help make this an easy decision for you?-{{user.name}}, {{ custom_values.company_name }}
Day 15 (SMS) {{contact.first_name}}, hope you're doing amazing today! I'm reaching out for an update on the next steps for your solar project. What makes sense as a next step for you?-{{user.name}}, {{ custom_values.company_name }}

No-Show Sales Appt > Attempt to Reschedule

Day 1 (SMS)

{{contact.first_name}}, it's {{user.first_name}} with {{ custom_values.company_name }}. I showed up for our scheduled solar appointment, but I missed you :-(

I'm guessing you had something urgent come up.Let's schedule another time, when is the next best day for you?

Day 1 (Email)

{{contact.first_name}}, I showed up for our scheduled solar appointment but I missed you. I'm guessing you had something urgent come up.

Let's schedule another time, when is the next best day for you?


{{ custom_values.company_name }}

Day 2 (SMS) {{contact.first_name}}, following up to reschedule your solar appointment. I was there at the time we arranged, but something must have come up for you. When is the next best day for you?
Day 2 (Email)

{{contact.first_name}},I'm following up on our solar appointment we had scheduled. I was there at the time we arranged, but something must have come up for you. When is the next best day for you?


{{ custom_values.company_name }}

Day 3 (SMS)

{{contact.first_name}},I'm following up on our solar appointment we had scheduled. I was there at the time we arranged, but something must have come up for you. When is the next best day for you?


{{ custom_values.company_name }}

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