How To Update Cancellation and Reschedule Links For Your Calendar

Having your calendar set up properly ensures your clients can book appointments with you so you maximize your business opportunities. Sometimes,  your clients need to be able to reschedule or cancel an appointment. You want to ensure it is easy to do so, to prevent no-shows. Here, we'll share how to ensure your reschedule and cancellation links are ready to go and easy to use when needed.

Step 1: Update the custom values within the calendar. 

  • Under Settings, navigate to Calendars.
  • Click the … next to the Calendar you've already created and wish to edit. Select Edit from the dropdown menu.
  • In the popup, in the Customizations Tab“Confirmation”, scroll down to “Additional Notes”, and scroll down through the notes to find the values mentioned. You can customize the message, and be sure to update the custom values to the following to activate and use them:
    • Reschedule: {{appointment.reschedule_link}}
    • Cancellation: {{appointment.cancellation_link}}

Please Note: To activate these links change them from reschedule_link and cancellation_link to the values shown above

  • Save to confirm your changes.

Step 2: Update the custom values within a confirmation/reminders campaign or workflow. 

If you want to give a lead the option to reschedule or cancel within a confirmation and reminder campaign, you can use those same custom values.

  • Set up a trigger based on an appointment being booked (for example, within the Appointment Confirmation and Reminders Campaign) that pushes the lead into the Appointment Confirmation and Reminder campaign. 
  • You can see that the custom values are in the triggered SMS response.
    • NOTE: These custom values will only function if the workflow is fired via a "Appointment Booked" trigger. 

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