13. Connect Your Lead Sources

NOTE: If you do not need to connect any lead sources (ads, canvassing tools, dialers, etc) you can SKIP this step.

Common Lead Sources

  • Online Lead Sources (Solar Exclusive, CEE, Prospect Bacon, FB Leads or YT Leads, etc)
  • Canvassing Tool (Ex: Sales Rabbit, RepCard, etc)
  • Dialer/Predictive Dialer (CallTools, ViciDialer, etc)

How to connect lead sources:

  1. Gather all information you have for your lead sources
    1. Name of lead source/service you’d like to connect
    2. If applicable: Contact information for the support team of the lead source (email, phone number, etc)
    3. Any other information that you have that is important or useful!

  1. Submit a support ticket in CRMX with the information you have collected above
    • Ex of what to submit for Online Lead Sources: “I would like to connect my lead sources, the lead source is Solar Exclusive, here is their support email: example@gmail.com”
    • **Ex of what to submit for connecting a canvasing tool: “**I would like to connect my canvasing tool, the canvasing tool is Sales Rabbit. Here’s their support email: example@gmail.com”
    • **Ex of what to submit for connecting a canvasing tool: “**I would like to connect my dialer, the dialer is. Here’s their support email: example@gmail.com”

After submitting a support ticket with all of the info you can move on to the next step.

Click Here for the Next Step 👉

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