Microsoft Outlook

By integrating your Outlook account with CRMX account, you enable a seamless synchronization of your Outlook Calendar for scheduling and appointment management. This connection streamlines the booking process, ensuring that all relevant events and appointments are accurately reflected in both systems, ultimately enhancing your organization's efficiency and productivity.

Connecting Outlook

To connect your Outlook account to your CRMX, first, locate and access your user profile within the CRMX platform. You will find an Outlook calendar tab associated with your profile. Click on the 'Connect' tab to initiate the linking process. This action will redirect you to a Microsoft login page, where you'll need to provide your account credentials and confirm your identity.


Sign in to Microsoft account

Ensure that you enter your login credentials accurately and confirm your identity to complete the authentication process. By doing so, you grant permission for Leadconnector to access your Microsoft account information.

Logged in users should be part of the location and only in that case you can find the Profile in the Settings menu.

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