Virtual Sales Day to Day

Hey! Quick side note, CMRX is a tool, not a robot that does everything for you. However, there are many features CRMX has that will make the sales process faster and easier.

Things you will be doing day to day:

  1. Creating Contacts
  2. Sending and Receiving Texts, Emails, and Phone-calls
  3. Setting Appointments
  4. Dispo Your Contacts
  5. Dispo Your Appointments
  6. Organizing your Sales Pipeline
  7. Using FU Automations
  8. Online Lead Process Overview
  9. New 72 - Online Lead Workflow
  10. Managing Conversations with Online Leads
  1. Creating Contacts

On Desktop

On Mobile

  1. Sending and receiving texts, emails, and phone calls

On Desktop

On Mobile

  1. Setting Appointments

On Desktop

On Mobile

  1. Dispo your contacts

On Desktop

On Mobile

  1. Dispo your appointments

On Desktop

On Mobile

  1. Organizing your Sales Pipeline

On Desktop

On Mobile

  1. Using FU Automations

On Desktop

On Mobile

  1. Online Leads Overview

The video above shows a in-depth process of Online Leads, below is a very simplified version of Online Leads in bullet points

  • New Lead
  • Initial Outreach Text and Email Sent to Lead
  • Lead Responds to Hop on the Phone
  • Hop on the Phone and Set Appt
  • Add Appt to Your Calendar In CRMX
  • Hold Appt
  • Disposition The Lead


  • New Lead
  • Initial Outreach Text and Email Sent to Lead
  • No Response from Lead
  • Cold Call Lead
  • If Lead Answers Set Appt
  • If the Lead Does Not Answer It’s Automatically Sent to the “New 72” Workflow
  • Hold Appt
  • Disposition The Lead
  1. New 72 - Online Lead Workflow Overview
  1. Managing Conversations with Online Leads

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