Workflow Action - Split

Split Testing, also known as A/B testing, allows you to compare different versions of your email campaigns to determine which one performs better. By integrating split testing directly into your CRM workflows, you can:

  • Enhance Campaign Optimization: Test variations of subject lines, email content, or Calls to Action (CTAs) to find the most effective approach.
  • Save Time: Incorporate split testing into your existing workflows, eliminating the need for external tools and streamlining your marketing processes.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Access real-time statistics to guide your marketing strategy, ensuring that every decision is data-driven.

Starting a New Workflow:

  • Navigate to the automation tab, select workflows, and click on “+Create Workflow”. You can start from scratch or choose from available templates.

Adding a Split Test:

  • Within your workflow, select the “Split” action from the actions list.
  • Choose “Random Split” as your distribution type.
  • Rename “Path A” and “Path B” to reflect your test variations and set the distribution percentage for each path (ensuring the total equals 100%).


Adjusting Paths:

  • Add more paths by clicking the “Add Path” button, with a maximum of five paths allowed.


  • To view statistics, click on the “Statistics” button to see the distribution of contacts across paths. Ensure the “Stats View” is enabled to see stats directly in the workflow.


Practical Example

Imagine you own an e-commerce store selling new running shoes and can't decide between two email subject lines: "Fuel Your Run with the Ultimate Shoe" and "Unleash Your Speed: Our Game-Changing Shoes."

  • Solution: Use the Random Split action to divide your mailing list, sending 75% the "Fuel Your Run" email and 25% the "Unleash Your Speed" email.
  • Outcome: Track key metrics such as website visits and purchase rates for each path. After analyzing the results, you'll know which subject line performs better, allowing you to apply this insight to future campaigns.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Q: What if the total percentage for all paths doesn’t equal 100%?

  • A: Ensure you adjust the distribution percentages so their sum equals 100% to avoid errors in your workflow.

Q: Can I change the paths after the workflow has started?

  • A: It's best to finalize your paths before activating the workflow to ensure accurate data collection and analysis.

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