Understanding SMTP Error Codes and Troubleshooting Strategies

Introduction to SMTP Error Codes

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for sending emails across the Internet. However, during the email sending process, users might encounter specific error codes. These codes are responses from the recipient's email server that indicate the email could not be delivered successfully. Understanding these error codes is crucial for diagnosing and resolving email delivery issues.

Common SMTP Error Codes and Solutions

Below are some frequently encountered SMTP error codes, their meanings, and recommended solutions:

1. Error Codes for Mailgun SMTP

400 Errors (Bad Requests):

  • from/to/message parameter is missing : Ensure the sender's and receiver's email addresses and the email body are included in the email.
  • Need at least one of 'text' or 'html' parameters specified : Include at least one version of the email, either in plain text or HTML.
  • Too many recipients; max is 1000 : Limit the number of recipients to 1000 or fewer.

401 Forbidden: The user lacks necessary permissions. Verify user permissions for the request.

404 Domain not found: Use a valid, existing domain.

429 Request limit exceeded: Wait until the specified time before trying to send the request again.

500 Internal Server Error: Try the request again later or contact the server administrator.

2. Error Codes for Gmail / Google Workspace:

421, "4.3.0" Temporary System Problem: Retry sending the message later.

450, "4.2.1" The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail too quickly: Resend your message at a later time.

451, "4.3.0" The mail server temporarily rejected the message: Retry sending the message later.

550, "5.1.1" The email account that you tried to reach does not exist: Check the recipient's email address for typos.

550, "5.4.5" Daily sending quota exceeded: Limit the number of emails you send each day or upgrade your Google Workspace edition.

Troubleshooting Tips and FAQs

What to do if the error persists?: If an error continues despite following the recommended solutions, contact your email service provider for further assistance.

How to prevent SMTP errors?: Regularly verify email addresses before sending, adhere to email sending best practices, and monitor your email sending reputation.

Can I resend emails after receiving an SMTP error?: Yes, but first, understand the error code and apply the recommended solution. For temporary issues (e.g., server down), resending after some time might be successful.

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