Add Product Element in Email Campaign

Email marketing has evolved with the introduction of a dynamic feature known as the "Product Element." This feature enables businesses to elevate their email campaigns by showcasing their products effectively. Let's explore how this Product Element can be a game-changer in email marketing.

Why the Product Element Matters

  1. Eye-Catching Visuals: The Product Element lets you dazzle your audience with captivating images of your products, making your emails more engaging and memorable compared to plain text.
  2. Convenience is Key: It allows customers to effortlessly browse a curated selection of your offerings directly from their email inbox. They don't need to leave their email, which saves them time and effort.
  3. Higher Conversion Rates: Studies have shown that emails with product catalogs tend to lead to more people making purchases. It simplifies the process from browsing to buying.
  4. Personalized Shopping: You can customize the product recommendations based on individual customer preferences and behavior. This personal touch increases the chances of a purchase.
  5. Cross-Selling Opportunities: Showcase related items alongside your main products, increasing the potential for additional sales with every email.
  6. Highlighting New Products & Promotions: Instantly draw attention to new products, special deals, or exclusive offers, creating excitement and driving immediate action.
  7. Building Brand Identity: Consistency in visually appealing presentations reinforces your brand's identity. It helps customers recognize and remember your unique style and products.
  8. Insights Through Analytics: By tracking how customers interact with specific products, you can gain valuable insights to refine your marketing strategy.
  9. Mobile-Friendly: Optimize your product catalog to look great on various screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for users on mobile devices.
  10. Competitive Advantage: Stand out in crowded inboxes by offering visually appealing product catalogs, setting you apart from competitors who rely solely on text-based emails.
  11. Strengthening Customer Connections: By providing a convenient and visually appealing shopping experience, you can enhance customer relationships, build brand loyalty, and create lasting connections.

How to Use the Product Element

  • Go to your email marketing platform and find the "Marketing" section, then select "Emails" and "Campaign."
  • Create a new campaign or edit an existing draft campaign.
  • Inside the email builder, look for the option to add the Product Element.


  • Before using this feature, make sure you've added your products to your system under "Payments" > "Products." Each product should have a title, description, and images.


  • Add the products you want to showcase in your email campaign.


  • Customize how your product catalog will appear in your newsletter by choosing design options. You can decide whether to display titles, descriptions, prices, and even change button names.






  • Optionally, you can add URLs to redirect customers to specific pages related to the products, like funnels, your website, or e-commerce pages.


What's Coming in the Future

  1. Direct Custom Checkout: Soon, you may be able to offer a direct and customized checkout experience within the Product Element, making it easier for customers to buy.
  2. Product Detail Page Links: There could be an option to link customers directly to specific product detail pages on your e-commerce website, offering more in-depth product information.
  3. ROI and Revenue Tracking: The Product Element may help you keep track of your campaign's Return on Investment (ROI) and how much revenue each recipient generates. This data is vital for measuring campaign success.

In summary, the Product Element is a powerful tool that can transform your email marketing efforts. It enhances engagement, drives sales, and fosters customer loyalty. With upcoming features, it's poised to become even more valuable for businesses in the future.

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