How To Create A Blog?

1. Navigate to Funnels & Website Sites > Blog

2. Create new Blog by setting up following things

  •  Add name of the Blog 
  • Select the domain and add slug (optional)
  • Add the description - approximate number of character is 250 for SEO purposes

Note - the below is only an example domain called Put your domain in it's place.

a. For example if the Domain is

  • User can specify the as /blog as the slug. (If the domain page already exist, it will add other unique parameters after scanning all the urls and domain in funnels/websites)
  • The blog post name is defined as
  • The category url will be
  • Tag url will be
  • Author will be

b. For example if the subdomain is

  • User can specify the, they will not be required to add slug.
  • The blog post name is defined as
  • The category url will be
  • Tag url will be
  • Author will be

4. After adding the details, you will land on list view to create new blog posts and edit the blog site.

5. To edit the blog site layout, list view and card details and blog post page.  User can do the following 

  • User can select the layout designs

  • User can manage how will the card will look like. 

  • User can manage the style - Image, Post, Tags, Heading, Title, Description, Author, Publish date and Author

To manage the blog pages like home and post, it will allow users to create blog posts and delete the blog.

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