How to Turn Two Way Sync OFF

What does two way sync do?

  • All events from your Google Calendar will communicate with CRMX, it will then create a contact in CRMX for all calendar event attendees and trigger appointment confirmations/reminders for any appointment booked on your google calendar.

    Example: If you have a dentist appointment on your google calendar, and you have two way sync turned ON, it will pull all of the contact information of the calendar event attendees (in the example the dentist) and create a contact in your CRMX account for the dentist, then it will create an appointment in one of the calendars in CRMX (depending on the one you selected for Two-Way Sync), therefore it will trigger the solar appointment automation and will send the appointment reminders/confirmations about solar to your dentist (in this example).

    It is HIGHLY recommended that you keep two way sync turned OFF

There are two places this may be turned ON, please check both!

Place to check #1 - My Profile

  1. Go to “Settings”

  1. Click “My Profile”

  1. Scroll down to “Calendar Configuration” and click on the pencil button.

  1. Change the “Allow Contact Creation” to “Select Default Calendar” and click “Save”

Place to check #2 - Calendars

  1. Go to “Calendars” and click “Connections”

  1. Turn “Two Way Sync” OFF and click “Save”

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