Toll-Free Phone Numbers


What area codes are used for toll-free numbers?

  • 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844 and 833

Toll-free number use case

  • The most common use case of people using a toll-free number on CRMX is they are messaging/calling multiple states simultaneously.

Sending Limitations

  • Unregistered toll-free number sending limits:
    • Daily limit: 500
    • Weekly limit: 1,000
    • Monthly limit: 2,000
  • Pending Registration toll-free number sending limits:
    • Daily limit: 2,000
    • Weekly limit: 6,000
    • Monthly limit: 10,000

How to choose a toll-free number

How to register your toll-free number

Copy Paste Wording

  • Use Case/Description
    • Appointment confirmations/reminders, providing updates, answering questions, reaching out to new leads, and following up with clients.

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